The United States of America, Montana, Seeley Lake

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Schoo is coo!

Here are some examples of my school work. The first one is Senior Project Research Paper (I did it on "Media Violence") and the second one is essay about "Manifest Destiny".
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This is just a brief overview of what are American High School students duties. Most of my work is about doing research papers or writing essays. It is a way of forming opinions and what is more important, forming opinions based on facts. Also most of tests which I am writing here have to be respond in five paragraph essay format.

That is the thing I miss in Czech education system, connecting facts in context, also between subjects. I really do not think that Czech education system is wrong, not at all. It provides more generally based education. But there are some things which would definitely have benefits for Czech schools. I have leaned that studying is not about memorizing.

We have test in U.S. Government class after every section in our text book. I can prepare a study guide which is before test checked by the teacher and if it is properly done he let me use it during the test. Than I have to enclose it to the test and it is grade with with the test. Does not make sense to you? It makes perfect sense to me. I prefer to spend my time doing my study guide instead of memorizing. And where are the benefits of this system? I discovered that I can remember things easier and for longer period of time not just for few minutes when I have to answer the test's question.

Or like in we are trying to solve problems based on everyday life. It still means learning functions, statistics or trigonometry, but we are also looking for the purpose. It is not just because a School Department wants us to do so....I still wonder if I will ever use "Venn diagrams" in my life:-)

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I tried to do some corrections in posts. Plus I am working on an article about American high school's students which should appear here soon. I swear, I am working.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Election 2006

Snowy in Alaska, sunny in Florida, rainy in Montana and cloudy, very cloudy in Washington D.C. that was the weather in the United States yesterday. Why? The mid-term elections took place.

All these places were connected by one thing, expectation. Everybody was waiting what light would the never ending story of Iraq’s war, death sentence for Saddam Hussein and problems with immigration in California throw on the election results. President Bush tried to repair the reputation of Republicans on a campaign tour last week during which he stopped here in Montana. Now we already know that he did not succeed. After twelve years the Democrats won the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and according to the prediction it seems they will win the Senate too. We are waiting for final results from Virginia. The victory of Republicans would mean a tie, the victory of Democrats, a great victory for the whole party after a long time.

As President Bush mentioned many times, the voters’ message has been clear. For the first time in his presidential career he will have to cooperate with the Democratic House and according to the latest news it should bring some pleasant changes for the U.S. Government. The first clear message was the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Will this trend continue in an effort to prepare a free way for Republican-Democratic cooperation in the upcoming two years? Rumsfeld was the man who designed the war in Iraq. Most of the people are now interested if his resignation will bring any changes in the U.S. war policy.

The message of voters in Montana is more than clear. Burns presence in the U.S. Senate lasting for 18 years was long enough. After many years of Republican rule now is the time for change. Although the difference between candidates is only a few hundred votes the victory of democratic candidate Jon Tester was officially confirmed. He will join the Montana's other democratic representative Max Baucus.

The new government starts working in January. President Bush knows very well that there is not much time and this is his last possibility to enforce his policy through the Congress. His job is now starting to seek common way with democrats.

Only time will show us what impact these elections will have? The victory of Democrats was predictable and Republicans have now a long time to think about what's necessary to change, before the presidential elections in 2008.

by Honza Keprta

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Last day of October has a very special meaning for all Americans and especially for American children. It is the holiday of witches, vampires and most of all the holiday of fear. It is Halloween.
It was my first Halloween and I was so excited about it. It has a special atmosphere and everything is so mysterious. My mask wasn't very creative. I wore just the skull face. Finally it was an advantage because of the weather. We got few inches of snow the day before and the temperature dropped to zero (Fahrenheits) so People who had light masks on almost froze.

My Halloween started already many days ago when we carved our pumpkins. It is a very significant habit and it is connected with Halloween as tightly as Christmas tree with Christmas. Then on yesterday we had a dinner with the friends in the town and waited until it got dark. "Trick or treat" cannot be done when it is light. That's not the right atmosphere. I waited if some "trick or treaters" would come but for our disappointment nobody came. Later I joined my friend and we went to trick or treat. Another definition of Halloween could be - easy way how to get a lot of free candies. It's really so easy. You just knock on the door and when somebody answers it, scream "trick or treat." People are already prepared and fill up your bag with candies. If you are lucky you can collect a few pounds. Some people are wearing also scary costumes like one man who we met. He hold knife, have crazy scientist hair and fake blood on his t-shirt. Pretty scary, isn't it?

I don't know if it was because of the cold weather or if it is a modern way of Halloween, but lot of children was going with their parents in cars from house to house and just collected the candies. Strange, but it is effective.

So don't forget when somebody will knock on yours door to give him candy or he will play a trick on you...